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From “be the best” to “be your own competition” is the motto, motivation and endeavor of our group. At Gyantaru, we tend to harness the energy, potential and power of minds to learn the skill of learning.

We believe we remain students throughout our lives unknowingly as our brain is equipped with immense potential to learn and unlearn.


  • Spoken English
  • English : Creative writing and grammar
  • Maths for all classes from 4th onwards till 10th
  • Science : for all classes from 4th onwards till 8th
  • Social studies : For all classes
  • Political Science
  • Sociology
  • Business Studies
  • History

ABHIVYAKTI, an expression

Our magazine mirrors the thought process of our young ones. We share this platform for interaction and communication in the form of essays, articles, stories, jokes and other written form of expression.

You are most welcome to share your writings with us and we would publish it on our website under your name.

A note from Mrs. Leena Sharma to her students

Welcome to the wonderful world of knowledge. It is knowledge which makes us different from other living species. Well, you can also submit your views, articles, essays, debates, speeches which will be published on this site. It has been consistent improvement in life skills and learning. This has been possible only because of parents, teachers and child continued interaction. The key to success is mental discipline and sticking to a schedule. Yes of course, there have been failures also as always. This year saw just two children not coming on board due to the fact that parents did not much come forward for the reasons that the children don’t fall in line. The friction starts when children consider;

a) the learning as an added problem
b) they are disciplined too much or too less
Seeking the fine balance is quite a job though😊 But lets start all over again….and shine.

I am delighted that we are free to communicate with each other. I would only say that do not hesitate in putting forth your views in our routine discussions. We should share our thoughts, problems and issues with each other. Remember, we are born achievers. However, our targets should match 

With love, Leena

A note to the caregiver, teacher and parents.
Learning can be fun. A self motivated child thrusts himself into the world of knowledge. At times, a student finds it difficult to get into reading text books. In such a scenario, other learning tools come handy. For example, if a student is studying history as a subject in the school, it is important to tell stories about the past relating to the topic he is studying. A child is easily drawn into stories and develops interest in the topic. Thereafter, it is easier for him to understand the book section in the text book. Likewise, in science, experiments relating to relevant topics in science are easier to learn and teach when he is shown the object and he is able to take it in his hands and touch and feel it. If the topic is parts of a plant, he can be encouraged to take out a plant and see the parts.

Once a child has learnt the lesson, he should be encouraged to solve the worksheets containing short answer questions and one liners. Thereafter, he can do the long answer type questions. Gradually, he can be instructed to make and create his own notes. It is important to note down the important points. The student himself should be making notes rather than handed over the prepared notes.

Next step is to make flow charts or notes in bullet forms. This can be done in question answers form as well.

By following the above, a student can not only develop interest in the subject but also transform himself as a learner rather than a machine to learn by rote.